How to Deliver an Amazing Listing Presentation

It is commonly known that in real estate, listings are king. Having a handful of listings always helps agents set themselves up for success. To have a lot of listings, an agent must know how to deliver a killer listing presentation. The better the listing presentation, the more listings you will have. It is as simple as that. This article will explore how a real estate agent can deliver a fantastic listing presentation. Preparation is Key Before going to your appointment and delivering your listing presentation, it is essential to be well-prepared. Your goal is to establish yourself as the ultimate expert in selling your prospect's home. [...]

Prospect like a Pro: 7 Real Estate Lead Generation and Conversion Tips you should be Using

There is a growing urgency for agents to craft a rock solid real estate lead generation and conversion plan. With interest rates skyrocketing, it may be more difficult to get clients to buy or sell their home come 2023. Rising rates make homes more expensive for buyers, thus reducing the demand for home purchases. In turn, the reduced demand hurts sellers, as it urges them to reduce the price of their homes in order to attract more buyers.   With the New Year looming ahead, there is simply no excuse for a vague, underperforming, or worse: nonexistent lead generation strategy. So if you’re looking to start 2023 off with a bang and develop [...]

Your Real Estate Business Plan for 2023: 3 Ways to a Successful New Year

If you consult an expert in any field as to what their greatest measure of long term success is, they will all give you one resounding answer: forming good habits. What does good habit-forming start with? Specificity. This includes being specific about your real estate business plan for 2023. 2023 is a year that is going to either make or break agents. You want to make sure you develop a real estate business plan for 2023 that will hone in on what it is you want to accomplish as an agent. Be specific with your intentions, and don’t wait till the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, 2022; start forming these habits NOW. However, as [...]

How to Improve Your Real Estate Social Media Marketing in 2023

Most real estate agents know that online and social media marketing can bring in a steady stream of business. In today's world, digital marketing is essential for any business owner. Many agents use social media to build and engage in relationships with potential clients. Social media marketing for real estate has changed, but do not worry. We are here to provide a complete guide on the most popular platforms and offer some essential tips to improve your real estate marketing game plan for 2023.  Facebook Facebook is the tried and true social platform for most real estate agents. Many agents are using the platform, and it is best to [...]

Real Estate Agent Email Marketing Tips (And Scripts) To Help You Close More Deals

Lead generation and conversion has changed in this digital age we are living in. While many new communication methods have been added over the years, email marketing is still an essential part of a real estate agent’s follow-up in 2022(and beyond). When a lead submits their information on a portal or social media forms, they still enter their email address in addition to their name and phone number. For this reason, it is still vital you are following up with them via email. However, what types of messages should be sent? Here are a few ideas and real estate email scripts for you to use for your follow up with buyer and seller [...]

Taking Control and Closing the Deal: 10 Useful Real Estate Buyer Objection Handling Scripts

In this unpredictable market, one thing is certain: right now is a scary time to invest in a property. Interest rates are skyrocketing more than they have in years, to the point where most are predicting that even home prices, which have been deemed an ironclad investment for years, are set to start depreciating.  This is why it’s so important to understand the current mentality of the buyer - to empathize with their fears and get to the root of what is holding them back. Faced with all of these anxieties and uncertainties, the last thing a homebuyer needs is a pushy, stereotypic sales agent trying to “close them.”  Luckily, we have [...]

How To Make Sure Your Pipeline is Not Leaking Leads(And Money)- Nurture Real Estate Leads Like a Champ!

For many agents, their database of contacts and leads is their primary source of business and earning commissions. An agent is only as good as their pipeline. However, even if the agent's pipeline is full of contacts and incoming leads, they face a big issue. This issue is a "leak," or inefficiency, in maintaining and nurturing contacts effectively. In this article, we will cover a few of the most common issues we see and some ways you can fix them to nurture real estate leads and contacts in a manner that brings you more closings and GCI.  Not Using A CRM Software to Nurture Real Estate Leads(Or Not Using It Correctly) Using CRM(customer [...]

The Best Scripts for Real Estate Agents to Get More Online Reviews

scripts to get reviews real estate

As a real estate agent, online reviews significantly shape your business in the digital era. They can help you develop your brand, attract new leads, drive more revenue, and educate you on ways to grow and improve your business. They truly are an important resource for your company and are only becoming more important by the day. Some real estate professionals are still not paying attention to their online reviews. We hope you will correct this common mistake as soon as possible. Here are some tips and a few scripts you can implement to best leverage and use online reviews in your business.  When To Ask for a Review Many agents don’t [...]

5 Real Estate Text Messages That Will Convert Your Lead into an Appointment

Real estate lead generation for buyers and sellers has two very important parts. The first is running the campaigns to get leads coming in. This is what most people focus on, but this is only half of the equation for successful real estate agents. The other half, lead conversion, is equally as important. When it comes to communicating and interacting with incoming leads, you want to make sure your message is clear and made with the intention to convert the lead into an appointment. In this day and age, we have found that some of the best response rates come from SMS text messages. In fact, we have seen many agents put a heavy focus on their [...]

Real Estate Lead Follow Up Strategies to Re-Engage with Potential Clients

It's no secret that real estate lead follow-up is key to success in the industry. However, many agents struggle with getting their team on board with following up properly. In this blog post, we will give you five tips for following up with real estate leads the right way, as well as advice on getting your team to do a better job of following up. By implementing these strategies, you'll be able to reconnect with potential clients and generate more business! Follow Up: Why Is It Important? As a real estate agent, following up with your leads is important for a few reasons. First, it shows that you are interested in helping them find their [...]
