How To Set Up Your Website To Attract 2nd Time Home Buyers

If clients are lucky enough to buy a second property you want to make sure you have the website set-up to easily provide them with all the necessary information so that they can convert right away.    The first thing is to know your target audience and make sure you take into consideration the area where you provide real estate services. Agents or offices located in northern Ontario, southern USA, or anywhere of high tourist/second home attention there is an opportunity to use your website for first and second time home buyers.   Here are a couple additions and changes you can make to your website in order to attract existing home [...]

A Complete Guide on Moving

How to Prepare Moving houses is a huge process that takes a lot of meticulous time and money. There are a couple ways for you minimize those costs and hopefully ease this process to be a lot smoother.  Whether you are moving mansions, condos or even offices, the process should begin about five weeks prior to the designated move date. This gives you enough time to go through all your belongings and make sure you are only taking what you need.  Week 5:  The best thing to do in the first week of preparation is to research and look into moving companies. This should be a relatively easy and quick Google search to see what company is most [...]

“The Perfect Match” – You and Your InCom Website

As we all know the GTA is one of, if not the most expensive Canadian real estate areas to live in. With that being said there is a lot of competition when people are searching for a realtor to work with.  So the question is, how can you separate yourself from the bunch?    Well that is simple, a great realtor website and online presence. A well rounded real estate agent should have an mls website that not only pulls in brokerage listings but also mirrors the personality of the realtor themselves.   This can sometimes be difficult to do as displaying a personality online is challenging to fully represent and some website providers do not [...]

Q&A: The Inside Scoop on Real Estate Lead Generation

When it comes to real estate lead generation there are so many distinctive questions that you as a realtor might have; well we are here to answer them. Lead generation can feel like a huge commitment if you do not understand the process and what it may lead to, so in order to minimize these risks we have put together what we think every realtor should know before starting a lead generation campaign.  InCom is here to provide you with the best possible services at the lowest rate and with lead generation we try to squeeze every last cent out of your budget to get the best results possible.  1.       How does Lead Generation [...]

The Do’s and Don'ts of Facebook Ads: 2020 Edition

As we move forward into the new year there are a couple big changes coming to Facebook advertising that you should know about. Facebook plays a huge role in the advertising world as it has become a powerhouse for gaining key viewership. Because Facebook owns Instagram,there are 2 main things you should keep in mind when using the platforms.  Video Advertising The majority of advertisers will automatically create static ads using photos and maybe some effects in order to grab the user's attention, this might be the wrong approach for society today. The average human attention span over the last two decades has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 [...]

Key Tips to Staging and Decorating For Your Open House

When it comes to open houses there are a couple different key techniques that realtors should keep in mind. Overall decorating tips will differ depending on location and type of home but generally speaking general restorations, planning and appearance will be the main things to focus on.  Before getting into the interior specifics, the first thing potential buyers will see is the exterior. First impressions are the most important thing as they are the ones that will persuade the client to either tour the house or leave. Buyers want to see freshly cut grass, comfy porch and an opulent garden. If it is in the winter, make sure the walkways [...]

4 Biggest Challenges a Realtor Faces

Environmental changes, fluctuating markets, new mortgage rules and regulations and technological advancements are just some of the overall challenges that realtors face.  Ask any agent what some of their main challenges are and you will probably hear many of the same answers.  There are many issues a realtor faces but any single agent or brokerage will tell you that these four challenges occur every day or at least multiple times a week. While some may be secluded to the real estate industry others are applicable to all industries.  But with every challenge this article will address iNCOM has an easy and effective solution to [...]

How to Manage Your Social Media Accounts As a Realtor

Life as a real estate agent is always busy; going to meetings, open houses, contacting incoming leads and administrative duties - the list goes on. All these duties make it difficult to stay on top of your social media, website SEO and lead generation.    Since having online presence in business is such a huge part of society today online buyers are becoming more and more prominent in the real estate industry. Therefore it is crucial for any real estate agent to properly use social media to market their businesses and listings. Facebook, Instagram,Twitter and LinkedIn make it easy for you to sign up, but managing them to get the right [...]

4 Ways to Optimize Your Drip Email Campaigns

Online advertising can be tricky but there is an easy yet effective way to keep in contact with your leads without being too pushy. Drip email campaigns boost contact and loyalty while increasing brand awareness and re-engaging unengaged clients.  Email marketing is a crucial part of the real estate industry as not everyone is ready to buy or sell their home right away. Sending emails creates a lead nurturing funnel that will prep the client until they are ready to start the home buying process. In order to get the most out of a real estate drip email campaigns there are a couple key factors that you should follow in order to get the most [...]

Redefine Your Home Search Capabilities With Keywords

Ever tried narrowing down a search query but ended up not being able to because lack of options?    How about using a websites search bar to find something specific but the results are so far off that trying again is not worth it?   These are some of the problems that companies do not try and fix because they are so focused on making sure their company and website is the best that they forget all about user experience. Having the ability to search exactly what you are thinking of and the direct results appear is one of the easiest ways to increase user experience.    At iNCOM we have already thought this through and are steps ahead of [...]
