1. Dashboard Overview

Get to know your new Dashboard layout and tools.

25. How to Access Materials from your Broker

Where can I access materials provided by my office?
What does it mean to subscribe to a material category?
How can I subscribe or unsubscribe to a category?

2. How to Login, Logout, and Reset Password

Where do I log into my website to start customizing?
How do I recover my forgotten password?
Where do I log out?

26. How to Configure the Map Search

How can I add a map search to my home page?
Where can I change the default settings for the map search?

3. Manage Your Agent & Account Details

Where do I update my agent picture?
How do I change my password?
How can I change my email address on my account?
How can I change my username?

27. How to Generate a QR Code

What is a QR Code?
What is a QR code used for?
How can I create my own QR Code?

4. How to Change your Website theme

How do I change my theme?
How can I change the colours of my design?
Where can I upload my own logo?

28. How to Create Custom Forms

How do I create a form?
How do I add the form to my web pages?
Where can I edit or delete my forms?
Where can I review my form submissions?

5. How to Add Website Bio

How can I add a welcome message to my home page?
Where can I change my title?
How can I update my languages spoken?
Where can I add additional information such as education, specialty, and awards?

29. How to Host a Blog Forum

How do I create a blog post and optimize my post?
What should I include in my blog posts?
How can I edit or delete a blog post?
Where can I see reader comments?

6. How to Manage Menu Items

Where can I find my list of menu items?
What is the difference between the Site Menu and the Resources Menu?
How do I add, edit, or delete a menu item?

30. How to Localize your Website for Search

How can I add localized links and buttons for easy navigation?
Which widgets can I use for advanced localization?

7. How to Manage Slideshow Images

Which designs offer a slide show and which offer a scrolling listings display?
Where can I change the settings for the scrolling listings?
How can I add, edit, or delete a slide within my slide show?
How can I add links and a message to my slides?
How do I configure the display settings for my slide show?

31. How to Improve Visitor Traffic through SEO

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
What are keywords/keyphrases?
How many keywords should I use?
How do I find the best keywords for my website?


8. How to Manage Content Pages

How can I add photos to my content?
How can I add links to my content?
How do I add tables to my content?
What are the other buttons used for?

32. How to add the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin

Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin Discontinued. As of May 9, 2024, Facebook has discontinued the Messenger Chat Plugin. All features of the plugin are no longer available.

9. How to Add a Content page Video

Where can I find my list of content pages?
Is there a limit to how many content pages I can add?
How do I create a content page?
What is the meta-tag section?
What is the URL path setting?
How can I attach a file to a content page?
How do I edit or delete a content page?

33. How to Add a Video
10. How to Manage Listings

Where can I see my manually added listings?
How can I add an exclusive or SOLD listing?
Where can I delete a manually created listing?

34. How to Add Agents in an Office Website

How do I add agents into my office website? How can I create a username and password for each of my agents? How can agents make changes to their personal bio in the office website?

11. How to Track Lead Activity & Manage Leads

Where can I see my complete list of captured leads?
How can i add a lead to my contact list?
How can I create my own lead?
How can I set up a follow up reminder?
Where can I configure the default settings for follow ups?
How do I delete a lead?
Is there a way to disable lead notifications to email?
Where can I add or delete an email from my blacklist?

35. The Featured Listings Widget

How do I use the featured listing widget?

How to change the type of properties shown on my homepage?

How do I add a listing to my featured listings widget?

12. How to Sync Google Calendar

How do I add a calendar item?
How can I edit or remove a calendar item?
Where can I view my created calendar items?

36. How to create a form with an Autoresponder

How do I create a menu button with a new page?

How do I create a form?

How do I attach a form to an autoresponder?

13. How to Configure Website Tracking

Where can I see the number of new visitors to my website?
Where can I add my Google Analytics?
Where can I view my registered visitors, their contact information, and properties viewed?
How can I configure my Visitor Tracking tools?

37. How to create a localized menu button

How do I create an alias?

How do I create a menu button for a specific location?

How do I create a link for a certain area on the map?

14. Manage Your Client Database

How do I add a client?
How can I upload a list of clients?
How can I export my client list?
How can I edit or delete a client?
How can I create, edit, or delete a group?
How can I assign clients to a group

38. How to edit your email signature

Where do I change my email signature?
How do I make changes to my signature?
Where can I see my signature?

15. How to Create and Send Postcards & Newsletters

How can I create, edit, or delete a newsletter?
How can I create, edit, or delete a postcard?
Where can I review analytic reports for my newsletters and postcards?

39. How to Restore Default Widgets

How do I restore my widgets?
What does the restore widgets button do?
Where did my deleted widget go?

16. How to Create Stand Alone Campaigns

What is a Stand Alone Campaign?
How can I create a Stand Alone Campaign?
How can I access campaigns I’ve created in the past?
How can I make changes to existing campaigns?
How can I delete a Stand Alone Campaign?

40. How to Generate Leads by adding Content to your Homepage
17. How to Manage Drip Campaigns

What is a Drip Campaign?
How does a Drip Campaign work?
How can I edit or remove individual emails from my Drip Campaign?
How can I create my own Drip Campaign?
How can I delete a Drip Campaign I created?

41. How to Set Up Google Maps API Key

What is an API key?
How to generate Google Maps API Key?
Where to attach Google Maps API Key?

18. How to Access & Create Autoresponders

What is an Autoresponder?
How does an Autoresponder work?
How can I edit an Autoresponder?
How can I create my own Autoresponder?

42. How to integrate Google Analytics
19. How to Add Widgets

What is a Widget?
What type of widgets are available?
How do I access my Widget Toolbar?
How can I add, edit, delete, or move a widget?

43. How to use SMS

How to activate and use SMS service

20. How to Create Buttons

How can I create and add my own buttons to my site?
How can I link my button to another webpage?

44. How to setup BombBomb on your website

What is BombBomb?
How to set up BombBomb video messages?
How to send video messages?

21. How to integrate Social Media

What are the main social media platforms that I should interact with?
What type of content and how often should i post on social media?
How can I share listings to my social media accounts?
How can I add icon links to my social media pages?
What is the YouTube Video Creator Tool?
How do I enable the YouTube Feature?

45. The City Properties Widget Feature

What is the city properties widget?
How to add the city properties widget?
How to customize the city properties widget?

22. How to Showcase your Testimonials

How can I add a form to request testimonials from clients?
How do I add testimonials to my website?

46. How to add an image on the Text Widget?

How to add an image on my website?
How to upload photos using the text widget?
How to resize the photos?
How to enlarge or minimize photo size?

23. How to Enable Youtube Services

How do I configure automatic youtube video generation for my listings?

47. How to restrict the Google Maps API Key

What is the Google Maps API Key?
Where do I restrict the  Google Maps API Key?
Why does the Google Maps API Key need to be restricted?

24. How to Share Materials with Agents

Where do I add materials for only my agents to access?
What types of materials can I make available?
How can I categorize the materials?
Where can the agents access these materials?

48. Troubleshoot the "Maps Not Working" by updating your Google Cloud Account

Why is my website's maps not working?
How to update credit card information/expiry on my Google Cloud Account